Our Work

Pawpers in the Ruff helps the dumped and abused dogs in Macedonia. Many of the dogs in our care have only ever known life on the streets or living on a city dump. Together we can show them a happy and loved life. We have over 150 dogs in our care who have been rescued from extremely poor conditions. Our goal is to nurture them back to a health, find fosters or forever homes and also help prevent more strays through our spray, neuter & release programme. 

Can you help be a part of our dogs success stories? Donations big or small have a huge impact on the dogs lives. Please donate today to change a dogs life forever.

Our main focus is helping the dogs on the city dump. We provide as much food and healthcare as our resources allow. This work is so tough, we have to make some really hard choices about who we save and who we have to leave behind. The conditions here are really harsh, it is not a safe environment and there very little food or shelter. We see some really hard things, but the money you kindly donate helps us turn these lost souls into happy, healthy and loved dogs. 

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After a lot of time spent at the dump, we quickly came to the conclusion that rescuing dogs and puppies wasn't a long term solution. We needed to stop more and more puppies being born into these cruel conditions. So we decided to start a programme to spay and neuter as many dogs as we could. However, it's not that easy. 

Some dogs are wild and need anaesthetics to be captured and some are not healthy enough for surgery. Sometimes they might need placing in care for a month before they are well enough. If we do not have the funds to keep them after surgery, they will be released back to the dump. 

This all costs money. If you would like to contribute towards this programme please click to donate below.