cybil's story

Due to lockdown I was unable to travel to collect a Teckl so my search for a small little friend for Jeff continued. I had always wanted to rescue and the night before my birthday in 2021, I was tagged in a post of a mother & her two babies found in a forest.  
I put in my interest for one of the little boys who was to be called Basil (I was watching Fawlty Towers at the time). 
Unfortunately, Basil passed away due to Parvo and his brother (I'd named him Miguel)  passed away a few days later even after all the efforts of Pawpers & their vets.
I wasn't prepared to give up on getting Jeff a friend just because the boys had passed away & hoped I would be considered to welcome the mum into our family. The 1st of July found Cybil travelling more miles than I had in the 19 months to West Yorkshire. 
It is has been suggested by my vet that there has been some trauma in Cybil's life but she has not lost her faith in humans and has allowed me & my family to care for her. 

She is so loving, loves snuggles and sleeping on the sofa.  I've never known a little dog snore so loud.  
Although she is not exactly an active friend to Jeff they do get on wonderfully & love a trip to the seaside.